The Van now has an offical name... "The Douglas"

People keep asking me "Does your Van have a name?... Well from it's birth it was a Holiday Inn Shuttle. So it's often referred to as the "Holiday Inn" which is fun and fitting. "I stayed at the Holiday Inn last night." It is referred to as the Damn Van, or Good Damn Van or the VanDamn in dyslexic double meaning. The Green Machine, or Jolly Green Machine comes through plenty.
However the more and more I work on it, and look at it's face, and the new shape it is taking on the name comes out "The Douglas". Named directly after my Uncle Douglas Stanton who has the market cornered on electric enthusiasm, optimism, and original out-bursts. He has been a big supporter of my projects in every way and his words and actions make my world a bigger place. He has unlimited energy and ultimate integrity, he spies the interesting and odd in a way familiar to myself. Truly family by every definition. I cant think of a better persona I would like to infuse in the Van. A sprinkling of Mary Stanton (Lovely Wife) is in there too, for added firepower. Love you guys!

PS Most of the videos of "The Douglas" are shot here at the Stanton home. What a place!

This is a DIY lesson as well, we must acknowledge Do It Yourself dosent mean Do It Alone. Many hands make light work, Equipped hands make work possible that was not possible. We all have resources of the mind, material and movement. When we give it adds to the whole of the big picture, as well as to the life of the individual human. We all must help each other in our own expert ways and pass the help we receive on to the unsuspecting. We must give back and forth, for it is fun and necessary for the world to boogie.

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